About GMCS
Gallup McKinley County School District is a dedicated group of 1,819 individuals (including 778 teachers) seeking to create the best learning environment for the students we have the honor to educate.
Student Demographics
3,356 ELL Students (30%)
259 Homeless students (2%)
100% Free lunch
McKinley County has a population of approximately 75,000 residents with 12,518 students enrolled in 33 GMCS schools. McKinley County includes the Navajo Nation and the Zuni Pueblo.
District Demographics
Student Enrollment 10,109
78.95% Native American
Hispanic-(note, all students are identified as another ethnicity, none of our students are identified as Hispanic only) – (14%) this number reflects the students who identified themselves as Hispanic along with another race
4% Caucasian-does not include students who identified as Hispanic
1% Other-does not include students who identified as Hispanic
Gallup McKinley County School District is geographically the largest school district in New Mexico covering 4,857 square miles.
District Administration
“Gallup McKinley County Schools understands that a quality education relies on our staff, the resources we dedicate to those staff members, and solid strategic planning. We seek to empower our staff with a foundation of Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships to assure that every student graduates ready to compete locally and globally” – Mike Hyatt, GMCS Superintendent
Jvanna Hanks-Deputy Superintendent
K’Dawn Montano-Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
Wade Bell-Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum/Instruction